Lance and Trina Murri

We have known Wendy Horman and her husband for over 25 years. Their family and faith are high priorities in every decision they make. We have conversed with Wendy numerous times over the years regarding various proposals and bills. It is very apparent that she has thoroughly researched every issue we have discussed. She spends numerous hours making sure she understands all sides of a proposal by talking to those who would be affected by either an up or down vote on the measure. She is mindful of the financial consequence to her constituents of each bill being considered. As the current co-chair of the Joint Finance and Appropriations Committee, she studies and is well versed on the financial ramifications to the State of Idaho of every bill brought before the committee. We heartily support Wendy Horman for Legislative Seat B in District 32.


Posted on

April 3, 2024